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Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2015

Empties - August 2015

Hi everyone! I know I've been MIA for a long time but things have been a little busy and also I've been quite frustrated with Blogger. I was working for 2 days in a row in a very long post because I wanted to share with you what I had purchased on the Sephora VIB Spring sale and when I am about to hit the "Post" button, this crazy thing messed everything up and it erased all of my work. All of the text and edited pictures were just gone and I got so mad that I didn't want to try again and submit a post but, hey, here I am, tryig one more time, hoping for the best. This time around I would like to share my trash, my empties with you guys and it's quite a lot of trash so let's get started! Let's get started with skin care, hair care and body care: In the makeup removing wipes we kind of have a lot:  3 empty packs of my fave, the ELF makeup removing wipes (they do irritate my eyes a little bit but they are very saturated with remover an