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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2014

Project Samples

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! Sorry I've been MIA but sometimes we are hit with a lil "writer's block" and we have to do our best to get back on our feet. So we are now in December, an awesome time of the year and please remember that the most important thing this time is to share our time and love with our family and friends. With that being said, this time I have to share something kind of new to me. A couple days ago I picked up a box of goodies from  e.l.f.  and I was really struggling to put my stuff away. It was not much, mainly backups of their HD powder, poreless primer, setting spray, and not too much make-up things. While doing this, I noticed that I have a little drawer full of samples, which eventhough they are not supposed to take a lot of room, as you can see, they are a hot mess and they are taking the much needed space that I was looking for. So, I decided to do something about it. As some of you might know, there is something a